CJ Real Estate specializes in ranch, residential and commercial land sales. Whether you need to diversify assets quickly for top-dollar via auction or are prepared to list and wait for a buyer to come to you, the Cunningham-Johnson team provides comprehensive solutions and proven sales performance.
Image: 80 Acres farmland Alfalfa county, OK

CJ Real Estate Streamlines Land Sales

TULSA, OK, July 20, 2023 /Newswire/ —

CJ Real Estate helps land buyers find ranch and rural real estate while improving average price-per-acre for land sellers with the launch of their streamlined website.

Real Estate buyers often struggle to find rural land parcels.

“Helping connect rural land sellers and buyers is what we do,” said Eric Johnson, co-founder of CJ Real Estate. Eric further clarified, “Constantly improving our process helps us maintain our edge as the industry leader. That’s why we continually invest in world-class technology that makes it easier for buyers to find what they want so that sellers can realize maximum sales price.”

The CJ Real estate team has a long history of delivering maximum value for property owners and trustees across the south-central plains. “We are absolutely impressed, and our clients are thrilled, “said John O’Brien of Northern Trust Company when CJ Real Estate sold 280 acres for 131% above the pre-sale estimate. Yesterday’s sale proved the power of auction again when the CJ Real Estate team sold 80-acres of Enid, Oklahoma farmland. Marty Powers, owner of the 80-acres remarked, “Results – that’s why I trust CJ Auctions to sell my land. They’ve exceeded my expectations in past sales. Now they’ve brought the highest price-per-acre that anyone can remember for my farmland.”

Chris Lowers, President of Grey Partners reported that, “Over the first 90-days, our core website update for CJ Real Estate increased average daily traffic by 852%, reduced the average bounce rate by 59% and, quarterly conversions tripled.”


CJ Real Estate sells ranch and residential real estate across Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado. Led by Eric Johnson and Ronn Cunningham, the CJ Real Estate team specializes in complex acreage sales typically dispersing assets in 45 days while outperforming market conditions. What makes CJ Real Estate different is that they give sellers more control through unbiased advice and the opportunity to choose the real estate sale method that’s best for them: auction or listing.

Eric Johnson

SOURCE: Cunningham-Johnson Real Estate

Image: 16108 E 89th

July Real Estate Auctions

Oklahoma Land and Home Real Estate Auctions July 2023

Are you looking for ranch land, productive farm land or a country home in Oklahoma? CJ Real Estate, the real estate auction industry leader, brings 3 incredible properties to market this Summer.

Alfalfa county Oklahoma farmland for sale July 19th, 2023

For those seeking farmland, we offer an 80 acre parcel that’s been in the same families hands since the land run. This Alfalfa county farmland will sell on July 19th in a no-reserve real estate auction. This property boast rich soils comprised of 87% Grant silt loam with moderate to intense farming capability. And, it’s located 7-miles north of Ringwood, Oklahoma along Hwy 58.

Owasso, Oklahoma 3 Bedroom Home for sale July 19th, 2023

If you’ve been dreaming of waking up to beautiful sunrises and winding down to stunning sunsets, we have an Owasso single-family home ideal for homeowners or real estate investors. Offered via Trustee Auction, this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on 1+ acre lot features a 3-car garage and 25’x50′ heated shop with half-bathroom. It’s located in the heart of Owasso, Oklahoma approximately one-half mile from Centennial Park along 161st E Ave at 89th St North in quiet Hunters Glen Estates.

1,100 acre Bryan county, Oklahoma ranch for sale early September 2023

Late summer brings the auction of a 1,100 acre cattle ranch near Durant, Oklahoma and 84 acres of timber and open land nestled among the whispering pines northeast of Houston, Texas. Both ranches offer a variety of rolling terrain with timber, creeks and ponds.

CJ Real Estate is proud to bring these properties to auction. Whether you’re an experienced rancher, farmer, or investor, our upcoming auctions offer land to meet your needs. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own the property of your dreams. Visit www.CJ-RE.com for auction details of these and other ranch, residential and commercial real estate assets.

Subdividing Land Pro’s & Con’s

Should You Consider Subdividing Your Land Before Selling?

What are the pros and cons of subdividing land?  When thinking about selling your rural, ranch, or farm land, owners may increase the total sales price but how does that work? What are the advantages and disadvantages of subdividing the property into smaller parcels? And what should landowners understand before parceling land for sale? In this article, we will delve into the details of land subdivision, equipping you with the knowledge needed to make an informed choice and highlighting key factors to consider.

Know The Purpose:

Before you proceed with subdividing your land, you need to know the purpose behind doing so. Subdividing creates smaller parcels of land for the sale, ensuring that you’re selling all the land or some of the land but in more significant portions, which can often lead to higher profits. Subdividing can also make your land more attainable to prospective buyers by breaking it into smaller, more affordable pieces. The question is, do those benefits align with your goals as a landowner? When properly parceled, land subdivision can increase your total property value and increase how quickly you’re able to sell because your property will now appeal to a larger buyer pool.


Before you proceed with the subdivision, you need to ensure it is legally allowable. Even in rural areas many sellers are shocked that land use regulations and zoning requirements can be so complicated. Professional real estate brokers like Ronn Cunningham of CJ Real Estate, research the zoning laws and regulations within your area, your property’s area, and the jurisdiction in which it’s located to determine if subdividing is permitted and then pursue the parceling process. Ronn Cunningham remarked, “It is essential for landowners to consult with a professional to avoid legal issues resulting from improper land parceling”.

Determine Land Subdivision Cost:

Subdividing comes with different costs that may include legal fees, surveying, filing fees and more. Eric Johnson of CJ Real Estate effectively summarized the cost-benefit of parceling land for real estate auction when he said, “Parceling is a very effective method of increasing the average selling price per acre. And, it’s common in real estate auctions that the research, surveying and filing costs are passed-along to the buyer at closing rather than being carried by the seller”.

Environmental Issues:

Before subdividing your land, be aware of how parceling may alter land access, the beauty of the land for future users, soil erosion, watersheds, and wildlife habitat. Identify potential environmental issues ahead of time and work with experts like CJ Real Estate to ensure that any parceling makes a positive impact that improves the value of the land.

Marketing Your Subdivided Land:

After the subdivision process, your land’s market value will most likely increase, but it’s important to create a comprehensive marketing plan to attract potential buyers. That’s where it’s vital that sellers employ experienced marketing experts like CJ Real Estate that focus on strategic selling. They’ll identify the characteristics and features that each parcel of land has and what potential buyers would be most interested in. Then tailor a marketing plan that attracts, engages and compels qualified buyers to your sale.


Subdividing land is a complex process that requires careful planning, legal consultation, and thorough research to maximize its potential benefits. Before making a final decision, consider your goals, legality, cost, environmental impact, and marketing strategies. Successful land investment requires significant attention to detail, working with the right team of professionals, and making informed decisions. By keeping all these in mind, subdividing your land could ultimately lead you to maximize your profits and find a more substantial market for your property.

When you’re thinking about selling, choose the Real Estate auction industry leader. Visit CJ-RE.com to learn how CJ Real Estate will help you achieve top-dollar for your ranch, rural or farm land. Then call CJ Real Estate at (918) 550-8118 to get started.

Tax Implications

As a ranch owner, It’s important to understand the tax implications of selling your ranch. In this post, we will discuss the tax laws and regulations that affect the sale of your ranch land and provide tips to help you make better decision for you and your family.

Capital Gains Tax:

If you sell your ranch land, the profit you make is usually subject to capital gains tax. Capital gains tax is a tax on the profit you make when you sell an asset at a higher price than what you originally paid for it. The tax rate for capital gains tax varies depending on the length of time you have owned the ranch land. If you have owned the ranch land for more than a year, the tax rate will be long-term capital gains tax. If you have owned the ranch land for a year or less, the tax rate will be short-term capital gains tax.

Depreciation Recapture:

Another tax implication that you should be aware of is depreciation recapture. Depreciation recapture is the process of paying taxes on any depreciation deductions that you have taken on your ranch land. When you sell your ranch land, you will be required to pay tax on the depreciation that you have taken. This tax is commonly referred to as depreciation recapture tax.

1031 Exchange:

If you want to defer the payment of capital gains tax, you can use the 1031 exchange. A 1031 exchange is a tax-deferred exchange that allows you to exchange your ranch land for another property of similar value without paying taxes. The benefit of using a 1031 exchange is that it allows you to keep your money working for you without the burden of paying taxes on the sale.

Estate Tax:

Finally, as a ranch owner, you should also be aware of the estate tax. The estate tax is a tax that is imposed on the transfer of assets at death. If your estate is above a certain value, your heirs may be required to pay estate tax. As such, it is important to reach out to a financial professional in advance to minimize the planning burden and tax liabilities of your loved ones.


In conclusion, selling your ranch land has tax implications that you should be aware of. There are ways to minimize your tax liabilities, such as using a 1031 exchange. Depreciation recapture and estate tax are also factors that you should consider when selling your land. It is vital that you consult with a tax professional and financial advisor before making any major financial decisions. With the right guidance, you can make informed decisions that will help you maximize your profitability and reduce your tax liabilities. Thank you for reading this post on the tax implications of selling your ranch land.

What are the tax implications of selling my ranch land?